Hello Blog Followers,
I hope that you have all recovered from the devastating blow that
was My Chemical Romance Splitting up, and are now ready to take on new
adventures and continue living life to the full.
The last month has been super busy, as the time is nearly here for
that all anticipated super exciting news which I am soon to break to the
interweb. But, aside from that, life has also been busy, as 'we' the
Eastbourne Ancestors have taken our love of all things morbid to a new level,
we have removed ourselves from the safety of Eastbourne Town Hall, and have now
taken two voyages out into the world of the living and braving the sunshine.
The First was a day trip to Fishbourne Roman Palace on Thursday
18th April: AKA X-ray Day.
Hayley, Paula and I took the opportunity to visit Fishbourne Roman
Palace, and make a day of it as Hayley had already booked to use the x-ray
facilities there. We took a selection of bones to x-ray:
Our Eastbourne Ancestors arrive at Fishbourne Roman Palace Museum.... |
A Female Mandible: we x-rayed this to see if she had her 3rd molars hidden in her jaw (to help age her) as the 3rd molars are not visible.
After being shown how the x-ray machine
worked, by expert Rob. Paula and I, left Hayley to continue discovering more
about the bones through x-ray, and headed straight (after the much needed trip
to the cafe!) to the palace and museum. The Museum, at Fishbourne, gave us
loads of ideas, of what was possible for the future of Eastbourne Ancestors and
the palace made for an enjoyable and interesting day out.
Hayley and I, at Fishbourne Roman Palace. |
After the
success, which was Fishbourne, Hayley organised another trip to the Museum of
London AKA The Great Adventure.
On Thursday 9th May, 8 fearless volunteers, and 1 very brave
Hayley, set out on a journey of self discovery. On a journey which took us
several hours (about 2) we successfully navigated 1 train and 2 tube
trips without any incidents and all 9 of us arrived at our final destination
safe and sound.
The museum of London is one of my favourite museums and I have
been their several times before, the last time was for the Doctors, Dissection
and Resurrection Men <-- See my previous blog post 'Who really owns your
body?" for more information on this subject. Since I lasted visited
the Museum, a lot of the exhibitions have changed, and the museum, after
working closely with a groups of school children, created a comparison item in
many of the display cases, for example in a case which contained Roman clips
and brooches, which would have once, held clothing together, there was also a
modern ladies dress with a 'statement zip' which holds the dress together. They
were trying to show that although times have changed, a lot of the items on
display have a close modern counterpart.
So, two amazing days out, with surprisingly no loss of life, or
missing persons. I would like to end this blog by saying a massive thank you to
Hayley for organising these two great days out. Everybody who went had a
fantastic time.
I would also like to say thank you to Paula Borthwick, for letting
me us her photos.
If you would like to find out more about the places we visited,
check out the links below:
Tune in tomorrow for more exciting stuff, I will be blogging now
every day until Thursday 16th May, when I will finally reveal my big news.