Sunday, 16 September 2012

From Year Dot to the Present!!

Today my blog finally goes live!!! Hello everyone (that means both of you =D)

This is my first ever blog, and today I would just like to tell you a bit about myself and what I hope to achieve with this blog.

My names Maisie and in September 2013 I will be going to Reading University to read Archaeology, I have been interested in Archaeology since I was very young, but the first time the importance of archaeology became apparent to me, was in the Mummy room, at the Cairo Museum in Egypt when I was nine years old.  Since then I have been a volunteer for Eastbourne Ancestors Project run by the Eastbourne Museum Service and have taken part in several digs in and around the Eastbourne area, and have even appeared on television, in the local news!!! (It truly was 5 seconds of fame; I might try and get a link posted on here at some point) Last year I did a training dig, at Barcombe Roman Bath House with University of Sussex, where I was taught the basics of archaeology, as well as receiving 'a hands on' digging experience. 

I am presently cleaning bones as part of the Eastbourne Ancestors project at Eastbourne Town Hall, where we have the remains of nearly 300 Anglo-Saxon's, that where found 15 years ago under the car park of the old Eastbourne College of Further Education <--- Here's a link to the Eastbourne Ancestors Facebook page for more information.

I hope to post on here every Sunday with more information, stories and pictures, which hopefully all/both of you find interesting. This blog will hopefully, help me to keep track and record everything that I do over the coming year, and hopefully get others interested in the wonderful world of Archaeology.

Until next Sunday, I bid you farewell.


  1. Woo! You're first post! I didn't know you ever would post! Looking forward to all the updates on your archeological life :D
    We could be now!
    M. x

  2. Yay!! That's sounds great, thanks for checking out my blog :D It still needs some work, but I am soo excited about it now that it's started.

  3. Hi Maisie ,its Dad , great blog,god luck with it, looking forwards to the next instalment xxx

  4. Hi Maisie, a great blog post! Looking forward to more...
